Task Mangement

Hate having to run certian tasks all the time? With GetAutoed you can have a program that schedules certain tasks to run for you at certain times of the day. With its easy to use interface you can click and choose what programs to run and what hot-keys to set to run those programs.  We have also added a hide away Function that sends the program to your mini dock on the bottom right hand task bar to save space so you can have it run all night!


We have decided to profit off of this program so you msut complete a short 5 min survey in order to download the program and get your serial. 

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FaceBook Hack Elite


The Long awaited Facebook Elite Triple X injector is finally here! With this tool you can inject code into a users profile! In return you can now see all there messages, see LIVE chat and on going conversations, post, like, and update there statuses! Best of all it returns an MD5 encrypted hash of the users password! With this Hash you can easily decrypt it and login to the facebook users account!

Enjoy the file & Happy Hacking!

File Specs:
SHA256: 01a4e9d5726e013007bdddd0a383a2892fed94370f6b6c86e9e9ca13adf76662
File name: FaceBook Hack Elite xXx
Detection ratio: 0 / 43

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